In Honour...

Metastatic breast cancer is a cruel, incurable disease, where those living with it have no idea how long they might have left. The reality of its impact is keenly felt by everyone touched by it, especially by the women featured in this important campaign.

This page is in honour of the women who are and were involved in bringing The Cancer Currency to life. The women named are loved, cherished, and remembered. This list will get longer. That’s the reality. But every name drives us to keep pushing for better. Because we all need to do better for them. And we will succeed.

Simona Ahcin
Passed away shortly after the campaign launch at the age of 47.

Nathalie Artigala
Withdrew from the campaign due to ongoing treatment.

Margarita Peleki
Withdrew from the campaign due to ongoing treatment.

“One day, yes, we will be gone, but our stories? They will stay.”
- Simona Ahcin (lived with metastatic breast cancer for five years)

Ensure those living with mbc are counted and valued

Share The Cancer Currency to highlight the true value of those living with MBC.